Returns: In the unlikely event that you would like to return your Fobot, you may do so within 10 days for a full refund less shipping costs, providing it arrives here as well-packaged as it was when it was sent to you, and is in good condition. If your bot arrives damaged (it doesn't happen often) please let me know as soon as possible. I will fix it or give you a refund. And if your Fobot becomes damaged anytime after that, I'll be happy to repair it for you for free, if I can--just pay the shipping. I just want everyone to be happy!
Payment: This shopping cart utilizes PayPal and Stripe. Checks can be mailed to Amy Flynn, 313 W Park Dr., Raleigh NC 27605. PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO INCLUDE SHIPPING! And if you anticipate making your purchases over several days, let me know--I will combine shipping costs when you're done, and refund the amount you overpaid.
Taxes: As of March 2020, all sales are subject to sales tax.